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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Hunger Games!

Am I the only person who has not seen the Hunger Games yet? 
Not seeing this movie is driving me insane! I would like to see it now, but like most people... I am broke! :)
I loved the Hunger Games books. They were totally awesome! Luckily for me I got a hold of these books about a year before I knew they were making a movie, so I did not have to wait my turn at the library along with ten million other people!
I heard that this movie stays faithful to the books, so that makes me pretty excited... Well that and the fact that Josh Hutcherson played Peeta! I don't know about anyone else, but I was team Peeta all the way! :D
Well I hope to see this totally awesome movie soon, and maybe there are other people reading this who feel the same way.
Happy Hunger Games, everyone, and may the odds be ever in your favor!